Semantics? Sche-mantics

25 Feb 2021

These past two works working with HTML and CSS has been surprisingly fun! I’ve got to create websites and learn about many different styles to customize my projects. Semantic UI has definitely been useful in condensing the amount of work that users can do to achieve their final goal. It definitely saves time and I can see it being useful to reduce the “time goal” objective of this class. Over the time I’ve spent using Semantic UI, I’ve ran into some troubles, making assumptions that wouldn’t work. Ultimately, I’ve learned that Semantic UI has it’s limits. It’s definitely beneficial to Software Engineers as it does provide an alternative to writing raw codes. Coming up, we’re about to get into UI React modules, which is supposedly to be based off of Semantic UI. I’m excited to learn even more shorthand ways of creating HTML and CSS projects.

Although it’s simpler, I did run into some trouble while working with HTML and CSS. One issue that I’ve commonly encounter was linking HTML to CSS. Most of the time, using the link tag, href, and rel works properly and I’ve able to get the styles from my CSS files implemented into my HTML files. When it doesn’t I usually check if the main issue is typo error, file directory, if the link tag is in my head tag, etc. However, every single time, the only solution that I’ve manage to come up with is to completely trash the files and start fresh. Which greatly reduces my time.

When it does work, the other problem that I’ve encounter is having limited knowledge of the functions I can use. When using semantic UI, I sometimes “guess” what I can put into my classes. For example, if I wanted my menu to be center spaced, I would think to use, “ui centered menu”. Sometimes I would get it, most times I wouldn’t. In the end, I would always end up adding style to my tags or editing the style.css files.