Java Chip? No, JavaSCRIPT

21 Jan 2021

Before taking this course, I’ve slightly touched Javascript in the semesters before. In my previous semester, I wanted to focus on courses, NOT relating to ICS, as I wanted to divert my full attention to it, when I have to take even ONE ICS course. I googled free coding lessons and FreeCodeCamp popped up, and I play with it here and then. At first, I thought that Javascript was kinda like Python, in a sense where it’s not strictly demanding on precise coding format.

After finishing FreeCodeCamp, I was intriqued with Javascript. Even though the naming is similar to Java, another coding language, it’s completely different. Javascript to me, is just another language that I can add to my arsenal. As any other language, it’s definitely beneficial to learn Javascript, rather than not know about it. From a Software Engineering perspective, I believe Javascript to be a good beginner language for SE. Since, I am a beginner in SE, I’m glad to understand Javascript.

As for the WODs, they’re super enjoyable. When it comes to creating a code to do whatever I want, I always struggle on where to start. The WODs definitely help by creating a prompt and get me to a starting position. It’s very unique in a sense where, rather than creating a big project that takes days, maybe weeks, or even months to do. It’s small work that can be accomplish in a variety of ways that can be finish within a day, maybe couple of hours or minutes. It’s very enjoyable feeling that small bit of accomplishment of creating a code, that works and I’m glad that after each WOD, we could go over it and learn from our mistake.