Git into GitHub

11 Feb 2021

When working with a new IDE, it’s similar to working at new job. You are assigned a job, but you’re not sure how to function properly at this new enviroment. This was my experience using ESlint and IntelliJ since the setting was brand new. The modules assigned was very helpful for me adapting throughout the process. I’ve ran into some trouble, specifically with GitHb, when commiting files onto the repo. My main issue was the upload speed as sometimes, I would use my work Wifi, which can get clogged, causing the upload speed to take longer than expected. As well as having the anxiety that people couldn’t access it correctly.

As for coding standard, every single time I create a new project, I have to manually go back into preference and redo Step 3 of the module. In step 3, it recommends me to go to “Preference for new project”, but changing that preference wouldn’t save it for the new projects. So, the alternative step would be to check the coding standards error in terminal. However, when my code functions properly and produce the correct output, I would forget to run “npm run lint” to check for coding standards. All I would do is check for the green checkmark, and turn in my code.

As for GitHub, one of my main concern would be to clone it onto GitHub website. After completing my IntelliJ files and commiting it onto my GitHub desktop, I would have to go back to GitHub website and make more configurations which usually takes me a long time. I’ve learned that working under pressure gives me anxiety, which could cause me to mess up and make mistakes. Hopefully, as time goes on, I would get used to this level of stress and eventually adapted to the pressure. Similar to adapt with working with a new IDE.